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Qt 3D Basics Part 3 - Advanced Rendering

Parts One and Two of our three part Qt 3D series focused on drawing a 3D model and accepting user input, which are necessary building blocks of 3D applications. For the last part, we’ll look at how to use Qt 3D and frame graphs to create some really sophisticated looking graphics, including how to implement multi-pass rendering.

Open GL SC

The need for safety-critical systems with user-friendly interfaces is on the rise. To respond to this need, the Khronos Group (responsible for OpenGL, etc) has introduced OpenGL SC, a new standard that enables graphics in safety critical applications. This whitepaper, written in 2017, reviews the basic differences in moving from OpenGL ES to OpenGL SC, to help you quickly determine what’s needed in skills and software to make the change.

Physically based rendering (PBR) emulates the interaction between light and materials and is a trend in real-time rendering. It offers developers more realistic computer generated imagery and is fast becoming a standard in the gaming world. This paper, written in 2016 by Dr Sean Harmer, offers an exhilarating ten-minute guide to the essentials.

Vulkan is a powerful new 3D graphics API from the Khronos Group, the same consortium that developed its spiritual predecessor, OpenGL and other related standards. Like OpenGL, Vulkan targets high-performance real-time 3D graphics applications such as games and interactive media, but offers higher performance and lower CPU usage, much like Direct3D 12 and Metal. This whitepaper, written in 2016 by Dr Sean Harmer, offers a fascinating quick-start primer on the nine things you need to know about this shiny new API.

This paper outlines the sticking points migrating from OpenGL ES to OpenGL SC, with a summary of the code affected, the rationale for each change, and workarounds.

This is the first part of an in-depth look at improving the visual quality and computational throughput of systems with OpenGL from a KDAB expert and the maintainer of Qt 3D, writing for the USA's premium magazine for embedded computing: RTC magazine.

This is the second part of an in-depth look at improving the visual quality and computational throughput of systems with OpenGL from a KDAB expert and the maintainer of Qt 3D, writing for the USA's premium magazine for embedded computing: RTC magazine.